Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Off to work I go!!!

Hello everyone!! Sorry for the delay in an with the new little one takes a lot of my time!! I will get new pics posted very soon I promise.

Hope has an ABR test tomorrow at Children's Mercy Hospital. She will be put under to measure the brain waves in relation to sound. The behavioral assessments that were completed by the audiology department were inconsistent so they opted to do this procedure to determine a more accurate level of deafness. This will also be the final step in determining what the insurance will cover as far as cochlear implants. Paul and I are still gathering information and advice regarding this procedure. However, we are definitely leaning towards having them implanted.

She is sssooo smart. She recognizes and understands 70+ signs and is actually signing 30+ signs to us!!! She has only been part of our family since June 29th. That is 6 weeks people!!! I am thrilled with her progress. She has adjusted miraculously. She isn't the same child we brought home 4 weeks ago. Each and every day, I fall more in love with her!! She is darling. Her personality will knock your socks off and you will laugh for hours watching her!!! It is amazing how God orchestrated our family to include a child who fits so perfectly into our lives!! Thank you God for my wonderful family!!!

I start back to work on Friday. I am ready to get life back to normal and to get her started in preschool to see her shine even more. Her BIG IEP meeting is August 21st. It is a rather strange feeling being in the role of the parent as opposed to the Director!!!

Everyone has adjusted very well to the addition to the family...JT and Megan are fabulous with her. I thank God that those two have accepted her from the start and they are a huge help to me in getting her adjusted.