Monday, June 29, 2009

Gotcha Day

Whew....what a day......Lee and Paul met Hope at 11 AM China time (10 PM last night for us).  Certainly there have been answered prayers.  Hope got very upset when her caretakers left.  She threw a 25 minute tantrum, thrashing about, but when they got her to the hotel room they had all of her new toys, clothes and candy laid out....she calmed down and has been great every since!!!  Praise God! 

Here's what we know about her.  She is very very smart......she imitates easily and smells everything.  If you show her something once, she can do it.  They haven't started signing too much yet.  She is able to sign I love you.  They will start with the flash cards soon.  I have attached a link with some photos.  If you are unable to see them, let me know and I will post them directly to the blog.

Specific prayer requests:  that she will continue to bond, that she will have peace and calm.  The trip home is a prayer need.  She is very active (terms like Tazmanian Devil have been used to describe her!!!)  Please pray that the trip home will go smoothly.

Here is the link for the photos:

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